Effective Hamstring Curls for Stronger Thighs


Standing Hamstring Curl

Try the standing hamstring curl, a bodyweight workout that strengthens your legs and improves balance.


Seated Hamstring Curl

The Seated hamstring curl requires more effort from your hamstrings to pull your heels against the resistance when you have a resistance band around your lower thighs.


Prone Hamstring Curl

The prone hamstring curl is a great way to strengthen your lower legs and engage your hamstrings as you bend your knees while lying face down.


Hamstring Curl with  a Stability Ball

To raise your hips and legs off the ground, use a stability ball. Your hamstrings will tighten to roll the ball in the direction of your body as you bend your knees.


 Hamstring Curl with a Dumbbell

Place a dumbbell between your feet to add resistance. This extra weight makes your hamstrings work even harder as you lift your lower legs.