Weight Loss Training
Ready to lose the weight once and for all? Schedule a free session with Mobile Trainers. Seriously! This isn’t some generic online routine promising to get you results – we’re a group of trained professionals dedicated to helping you reach your goals and teaching you how to keep the weight off for good!
The number one question we receive from our clients is, “How do I lose weight fast? One of the reasons this is asked so frequently is that losing weight properly, and keeping it off, is not a process for the masses but a unique experience for everyone.
At Mobile Trainers, we lead people through weight-loss journeys every day, and we’re good at it! Keep reading to find out how and why we’re so successful.
Working with Our Weight Loss Trainers
Free In-Home Consultation
Each of our personal training programs begins with a complimentary in-home evaluation. During this session, a master personal trainer will meet with you to learn about your goals, fitness history, and preferences. You’ll select a date and time that works for you. You can expect the first session to last 30-60 minutes.
The Workout
Once we have created your customized program, your in-home sessions will begin. We usually recommend meeting with your trainer two to three times per week and adding in a couple of sessions on your own with our free online sessions. Workouts can be performed inside or outdoors — whichever works best for you. We can even lead you through quality workouts in a space as small as 10’ x 10’. You’ll never be required to provide equipment; our trainers come prepared with everything you’ll need.
A Little More About Our Workout Approach
Lose Weight, Not Strength Our customized training programs include an optimized blend of exercises designed to increase YOUR metabolic rate but not lose any strength.
For anyone who has tried popular weight-loss programs in the past, it is clearly not a one-size-fits-all mission. Our blend of cardio, strength, technique, mobility, balance, and nutrition guidance cuts through all the minutia to make your time as efficient and as productive as possible.
Our strength training typically doesn’t require heavy weights! Our unique process focuses on explosiveness and time under tension, building significant muscle mass without risking injury. Time under tension is actually vastly underutilized in most fitness routines but is an essential part of any bodybuilding routine!
Workout Without Injury Our two primary areas of expertise at Mobile Trainers are: corrective exercise and body transformation. These two are equally important, because you can’t transform your body before your body is able to move properly.
The Nutrition Program
For as little as $99/month, you can work with one of our registered dietitians that can create a custom meal plan to accompany your training program! We strongly recommend this if you have more advanced fitness goals.
For some clients, the free nutrition coaching they receive from their weight-loss trainers is sufficient for reaching their goals.
Progress Tracking
And now for the most important part of all: the results. To ensure we’re making progress, our weight loss trainers perform a state-of-the-art 3D body composition scan each month. With this specialty tool, you’ll gain insights into muscle gains, fat loss, and more — much more, in fact, than the scale alone could tell you. Your program will then be reoptimized to continue driving results.
What Sort of Results Can I Expect?
At Mobile Trainers, we have a relentless focus on obtaining measurable results. Remember, our trainers do not have sales quotas, they have results requirements! .To make sure we’re delivering on our promises, we will perform a 3D body scan every month! Each of these scans can be overlaid so that you see exactly where and how often the inches fall off.
Our weight loss trainers continue to optimize your progress, refining your program with every 3D body scan we perform. There is nothing more important than your goals and we don’t just want to help you achieve them, we want you to never have to lose weight again!
Check out this video to see a transformation story from one of our clients.
What We WON'T Do
Push you in too hard too fast, risking injury. Proper mobility and technique is a mandatory requirement for any training program, and weight loss is no exception.
Focus too much on cardio. We don’t want to burn muscle, we don’t want to lose strength, and we don’t want an imbalanced body! Cardio is an important part of any weight-loss journey, but it is only part. People too often overdo cardio when trying to reach their weight-loss goals.
We won't fail to reach your goals if we get 6+ months. We have provided goal-crushing results for all clients who have subscribed to our in-home training program for 6 months or more. Results will certainly vary, but we are confident you will be amazed at what we can do together in 6 months.
How to Get Started
Simply give us a call or schedule your free evaluation session online. We look forward to working with you!