If you’re considering a personal trainer, you may be wondering how many times a week you’d need to meet with them to achieve results. As with many aspects of fitness, there’s no single, definitive answer, but we’re here to help you figure out the frequency that will work best for you. Discover how many times a week you should meet with your personal trainer below.
The number of times you should meet with a personal trainer each week will depend on several factors. For example, you’ll need to consider your goals, your starting point or current fitness level, and how much time you have to dedicate to working out. It’s possible that one training session a week may be enough, but beginners can usually benefit from a greater frequency.
Specifically, people who are new to fitness should meet with their personal trainer two to three times per week. This will allow you to establish a consistent workout routine and become confident in your ability to work out. Two to three weekly sessions will also provide ample opportunity to learn new exercises and techniques, and ensure that you’ve mastered your form to target key muscle groups and minimize injury risk.
More seasoned athletes may be able to reduce the frequency of their personal training sessions and still see benefits. Intermediate athletes may find that meeting with a trainer one to two times a week provides enough guidance to help them reach new goals. Even advanced athletes should still consider seeing their trainer weekly while they pursue new goals, since their recommendations can help them accelerate performance while keeping injury risk low.
With that said, your personal trainer will also advise you on how many days you should work out in general. Even if you’re meeting your trainer three times per week, they’ll likely want you to get some physical activity in on other days, too. You may be advised to cross-train with low-impact activities, such as cycling or walking. Or, your trainer may recommend stretching or yoga. Again, your specific workout regimen will be based on your weight loss goals, fitness level, and schedule.
If you only have the time in your schedule or funds in your budget to meet with a personal trainer once per week, you can still benefit from weekly sessions. It may just take a bit more time to build a strong foundation for exercise or to reach your goals. You’ll still need to exercise outside of this weekly session, however. Only working out once per week is unlikely to yield any meaningful results. According to the CDC, adults need a combination of aerobic activity and muscle-strengthening activities every week, several times per week, to enjoy health benefits. The frequency and duration can vary depending on the intensity of the aerobic activity. For example, you could choose:
With that in mind, you’ll also need to factor in strength work. No matter what type of aerobic exercise you choose or how frequently you do it, the CDC calls for strength training at least two days per week to work all major muscle groups.
Once you’ve determined how many days per week you should see your personal trainer, your next question may be how long you should stay with a personal trainer. Once again, there is no single answer that works for everyone. You may feel that you no longer need your trainer’s guidance after you’ve met your initial goals and have learned how to work out independently. On the other hand, you may find that you enjoy the accountability and consistency of having a trainer, and the fact that they can keep developing new routines to challenge you consistently. What’s certain is that it’s never worth staying with a trainer who doesn’t make you feel empowered to reach your goals. As long as you’re also being mindful of nutrition, you should begin seeing results after several weeks.
Here at Mobile Trainers, we’re dedicated to helping you see results, which is why we offer tools like free comprehensive 3D body scans, online workouts in between sessions, and personalized exercise programs tailored to each client’s unique needs. If you’re ready to begin your training sessions, request a free in-home initial evaluation here.