When looking for a personal trainer, one thing you may be wondering is how much you should expect to spend. Unless you’ve worked with a trainer in the past, you may have little understanding about what personal training sessions should cost. As you might imagine, prices vary drastically depending on factors such as location (for example, Miami personal trainers might charge different prices than trainers in another city), experience, and services provided. With that in mind, here’s a brief guide to help you determine what to spend on a personal trainer.
Search for “average personal trainer cost” and you’re likely to encounter a wide array of answers. Even the prices ranges can vary dramatically. It’s important to keep in mind that as with most other services, costs for quality personal training have been driven upwards in recent years due to factors such as increased demand and rising equipment costs. So, for starters, you’ll want to make sure you’re reviewing recent data when doing price comparisons. As of July 2022, trainer fees throughout the US varied considerably, spanning $29 to $166 per session.
With the potential price range in mind, the question remains: How much should you spend on a personal trainer? Here are a few factors to consider as you set your budget:
The number of personal training sessions you need will depend on many factors. Some people choose to work with a trainer until they meet their goals. For others, it makes sense to continue working with one as they progress in their physical fitness so that they can continue receiving tailored guidance as their goals evolve. In the earliest stages of your fitness journey, you may want to meet with a trainer several times a week. Later on, when you’re more confident working out solo, you may be able to scale back and meet with your trainer fewer times per week, which can also help to keep costs down.
There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Many people think personal trainers are worth it when they’re just starting out with fitness, as these professionals can help to kickstart their workout regimen and provide a roadmap for their goals. Yet, there are still advanced athletes who consult with personal trainers regularly to ensure they’re maximizing their performance, adhering to a program that will elevate their fitness, and cross-training and resting appropriately.
Ultimately, personal training is a get-what-you-pay-for service. The best in the business will come at a higher price point, but the quality of services will also exceed other, cheaper options. You’ll also get more from your experience depending on how much you put into it. If you’re dedicated and ready to put forth the effort it will take to reach your goals, you’ll likely find that the expertise, support, and guidance you receive from a trainer is invaluable.
With Mobile Trainers, you don’t have to commit to any long-term program or contract. In fact, you can test drive our in-home personal training sessions by getting your first in-home consultation for free. Get going on your goals and schedule your free first visit here.